11 Comparison of Terms Synonymous with Design of Experiments using Generative AI
Rosie Kallie, PhD
Author Bio
Rosie Kallie PhD is an Associate Professor of Instruction at the University of Texas at Arlington in the Industrial, Manufacturing, and Systems Engineering Department (IMSE) within the College of Engineering. She serves as a Faculty Facilitator with the Center for Research on Teaching and Learning Excellence as well as on the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee in IMSE. Her varied background includes experiences in manufacturing companies plus medical industry as well as math education from toddler ages through university graduate students. Dr. Kallie is a committed, compassionate educator who uses tools, technology, and the like to actively engage students in the learning experience, particularly in statistics/engineering courses.
Course Context
This activity is designed to be adaptable to a variety of context, but it was originally designed with the following student population in mind:
- Discipline: Industrial Engineering
- Level: Undergraduate
- Course Name: Engineering Research Methods
- Modality: In-person
- Context: Scaffolding modules of learning of advanced statistical methods including Analysis of Variance, Simple Linear Regression, Multiple Linear Regression, and Design of Experiments. The Design of Experiments represents an overarching framework in which the other statistical tools can be incorporated.
- Number of Students: 30-40
Activity Overview
This activity is an active learning activity where students use Generative AI (e.g. ChatGPT or Microsoft CoPilot) to aid in researching similar terms regarding “Design of Experiments.” Design of Experiments (DOE), from an Engineering perspective, involves the detailed planning of a study where the results can be validated, and the analysis optimized. In other fields of study, such as Biology, Psychology, or Mathematics, “Design of Experiments” may be identified by a synonymous phrase or term (DOE synonyms)—statistical experiments, experimental design, designed experiments, to name a few.
Further, students will research multiple synonymous phrases with DOE then compare and contrast them, first in groups of two students, followed by a general class discussion. Student learning will benefit by students being able to access reference materials that they are assured is the appropriate DOE content, based on their exposure to synonymous terms for “Design of Experiments.” Students’ understanding of DOE concepts may improve when they are able to study an explanation from a different perspective (e.g. non-technical explanation of a DOE concept) alongside the technical explanations in the engineering textbook.
For Instructors
- Context: Ronald Fisher’s work began in genetics and statistics, two seemingly unconnected fields of study, over one hundred years ago. He meticulously laid the foundation for large portions of modern statistics. Knowledge of statistics–specifically, design of experiments–has found applications in diverse fields such as psychology, marketing, biology, mathematics, and engineering. Depending on the field of study, the study of experiments may be phrased, synonymously, as, “design of experiments,” “statistical experiments,” “experimental design,” or others.
- As a prelude to the activity, instructors can introduce the topic, Design of Experiments (DOE), for example, via an open access videos, that are viewed as a class:
- YouTube video, Design of Experiments by GreenBelt Academy (see References below), a high-level perspective of the DOE framework that is compatible with current engineering practices.
- YouTube video, Life and Works of Ronald Aylmer Fisher Part 1/4 (see References below), a historical perspective, intended to engender a deeper appreciation of the founder of modern statistics.
- Upon conclusion of the videos, instructors give time for verbal reflections from volunteers and/or give each student time to respond.
- Following the video introduction to “Design of Experiments” as described above, students will use Generative AI to find definitions of these three synonymous phrases: “design of experiments,” “statistical experiments,” “experimental design.” Students will record their findings.
- Students will be tasked with critically reading the definitions from 4. above, to determine how the three definitions are similar as well as how they differ. Students will record their findings as a short answer of less than one paragraph.
- Students will research the corresponding experimental steps required in each of the phrases. Students will record their findings in a brief summary.
- Students will submit their work, where indicated.
- Students will discuss their findings in small groups.
- At the conclusion of the student exercise, the instructor will facilitate a question/answer session where students share their insights from the Generative AI searches and/or Videos. The professor will seek to affirm common threads in the students’ verbal responses.
For Students
For this in-class activity, you will locate the dated assignment ” Defining Design of Experiments” on the Canvas Assignment page. It will be located with other low-stakes, participatory graded assignments (Class Engagement, CE). The activity is conducted as a Think-Pair-Share extended interactive exercise. You will be allotted approximately 10 minutes for this brief research assignment.
- (Think: Online Search) You will use Generative AI (ChatGPT, Microsoft CoPilot) to find definitions of these three synonymous terms: “design of experiments,” “statistical experiments,” “experimental design.” Copy and paste your results into the CE assignment.
- (Think: Short Answer) After reviewing the three definitions, how are the definitions similar? How do the definitions differ? Type your answer in the CE assignment as less than one paragraph.
- (Think: Online Search) Use Generative AI (ChatGPT, Microsoft CoPilot) to find the components or required steps for each of the three synonymous phrases: “design of experiments,” “statistical experiments,” “experimental design.” Copy and paste your results into the CE assignment.
- (Submission to Canvas) You will submit your individual CEs onto Canvas where indicated.
- (Pair-Share, 6 minutes) Upon completion of the individual research, you will discuss your insights with your team member(s). What did you discover?
Benefit to Students
- Critical thinking
- Critical comparison
- Active listening
- Evaluation
- Verbal communication
- Interdisciplinary knowledge(Group Share) Finally, everyone will take turns sharing with the class a newfound discovery and/or insights from the activity. Students are encouraged to add to and/or affirm others’ insights.
Students receive a participatory grade for this CE-type assignment: complete, incomplete, or unsatisfactory via Canvas options. No detailed rubric is required for CE assignments.
Cross-Disciplinary Applications
Since the activity is a high-level discussion without detailed mathematics, the activity can be applied in other fields of study that use Design of Experiment frameworks. Slight adjustments may be implemented, as the discretion of the instructor.
Psychology: Using Generative AI in Comparing Terms Synonymous with Planning Experiments
This activity is an interactive learning activity where students use Generative AI (e.g. ChatGPT or Microsoft CoPilot) to aid in researching key terms regarding “Planning Experiments.” Further, students will research multiple, similar phrases then compare and contrast the definitions of the phrases, in teams of two or three students. Last, each student and/or team will share insights with the class. Student learning will benefit by being able to compare reference materials that are applicable to Planning Experiments; recognize the similarities of reference materials; gain insights from reference materials written from different perspectives.
This OER was not created using AI assistance. This OER does not contain AI-generated content.
Anglican08. (2016, October 6). Life and Works of Ronald Aylmer Fisher Part 1/4 [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmMqx7jxa_s
Green Belt Academy. (2024, April 30). Design of Experiments (DOE) – The Basics!! [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKTaisrn0Fs