8 Excavating Archaeological Sites

PART ONe: Review and Definitions


  1. Make a bullet point list of the different excavations methods discussed in class below:
  2. Why is stratigraphy important?
  3. What is the law of superposition?
  4. What is uniformitarianism?

PART Two: Plan mapping


Plan mapping
Fig 8.1 Plan Mapping


Use grid square above to answer the following questions and complete the exercises.

  1. What does the “X”  on the bottom left corner indicate? ___________________
  2. This is the standard archaeology unit square, what are its dimensions? ___________________
  3. Look at the artifacts in the square, list their coordinates in the empty table below:
North (cm) East (cm) Description
Stone projectile point
  1. Draw the two (2) artifacts on your map from the table below:
North (cm) East (cm) Description
80 45 Stone tool
30 90 Ceramic sherd


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Introduction to Archaeology: A Workbook Copyright © 2020 by Ashley Lemke is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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