Part II Transportation Modes, Accessibility, and Technologies

Part II builds on the foundational information in Part I and centers on the relationship between transportation and land use – where people live and work— including mobility modes, public transit and transit-oriented development (TOD); transportation and land use interaction through accessibility, and the constant coevolution of transportation technology and the urban landscape.

Chapter Five presents traditional and new travel modes along with the notion of modal share and active modes (walking, cycling and micromobility). Passenger and freight intermodal transportation is discussed together with smart technology facilitating new intermodal connections.

Chapter Six focuses on the dynamic interaction between transportation and the built environment through accessibility and the ways local and regional accessibility shape the built environment and urban form.  It explores the emerging shift from mobility to accessibility and pros and cons of proposed accessibility models.

Chapter Seven highlights characteristics of traditional and non-traditional transit modes and emphasizes transit as a key ingredient of sustainable transportation as well as of a type of urban form, Transit-oriented Development (TOD), built around public transit.

Transportation technology has shaped cities and influenced the movement of people and goods throughout history.  The final chapter in Part II, Chapter Eight, builds on the presentation of transportation modes in Chapter Five and presents the impacts of technology on the relationship between the built environment and transportation infrastructure.


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Transportation Policies, Programs and History Copyright © 2024 by Ivonne Audirac; Amber B. Raley; Jenifer Reiner; and Soheil Sharifi-Asl is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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