8 Adding Images

By using the media tab you can upload images into Pressbooks

  • Non-decorative/informational images marked with alt-text providing necessary information
  • Decorative images marked “null” which means to leave the alt-tag description line blank
  • Complex images have descriptions – images like graphs, charts, formulas
  • When inserting equations into Pressbooks, best practice is to use LaTex instead of uploading a screenshot. This allows the screen-reader to read the equation
  • Publish formulae & graphics using native LaTeX syntax directly in the text. Inline formulas, displayed equations auto-numbering, labeling and referencing.


Step 1


Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5


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OER Sandbox Copyright © 2018 by Michelle Reed is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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