41 Chapter 2: Importing Content

Section 2.1: Supported File Types

  • Pressbooks supports the import of content from several file formats:
  • Word Documents (.docx): The most common format for text-based content.
  • HTML Files: If your content is web-based, importing via HTML ensures that the basic structure is maintained.
  • ePub Files: Ideal for adapting existing eBooks.

Section 2.2: Importing a Word Document

Pressbooks makes it easy to import content from Word. To begin:

  • Click on Tools > Import from the left menu.
  • Choose the Word (.docx) option.
  • Upload your Word document, making sure it is correctly formatted using Heading styles.
  • Once imported, you may need to clean up any formatting issues such as incorrect headings or misplaced images.



Headings not imported

Reapply Heading styles in Pressbooks

Image missing

Reinsert or re-upload image

Section 2.3: Troubleshooting Import Issues

When importing, it’s not uncommon to encounter some issues, particularly with complex documents. Some common problems include:

Headings or lists not converting properly

Loss of special formatting (e.g., custom fonts or colors)


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