25 Tables

Table 4.1
The comparison between Calgary’s empirical model accuracy and errors for two time periods.
Variable Model Simple extrapolations
Note from  “The evaluation of an Empiric model for an urban area” by Stokes, E., 1974. Environment and Planning A, 6(6), p.709
R (1958-1964) RMS U R (1964-1971) RMS U R (1964-1971) RMS U
S (pop) 0.734 0-006 0.709 0-492 0-007 0.91 0-427 0-009 1.27
S(con) 0-503 0.01 0-855 0-031 0-011 1.104 -0.004 0.017 1.74
S(m) 0-672 0.01 0.741 0.361 0.01 1.045 0-100 0-017 1.84
S(tcp) 0.608 0-012 0.795 -0.029 0.019 1.09 -0.292 0.026 1.48
S(rw) 0.939 0.007 0-351 -0.602 0-016 2.334 -0.285 0-023 3.42
S(s) 0.917 0-010 0-401 -0.081 0-013 1.765 -0.141 0-027 3.66


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