

A solid foundation is essential when learning any new skill. Understanding anatomical directions, articulations, planes, and regions are the foundation for learning anatomy. 

The standard anatomical position of the human body is facing towards the observer, legs hip-width apart, feet facing forward, arms out slightly at either side with palms facing forward.


Understand what the standard anatomical position is. 

Correctly identify a given plane by its correct name. 

Relate different structures of the body using the directional terms provided. 

Correctly identify the anatomical regions of the body. 

Demonstrate how to properly focus histology slides and identify key structures. 

Demonstrate an adequate understand of the material in this section. 

Special Features of Skull 


foramen magnum 

foramen ovale 

coronal suture 

lambdoid suture 

jugular foramen 

sella turcica 

sagittal suture 

olfactory foramina 








The energy loss in a pipe can be determined by applying the energy equation to a section of a straight pipe with a uniform cross section: 

If the pipe is horizontal:  Zin = Zout 

The pressure difference (Pout – Pin) between two points in the pipe is due to the frictional resistance, and the head loss hLis directly proportional to the pressure difference. 


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