
Accessibility Rubric

Web version evaluated on 2/7/2020

Accessibility Standards Passed – 10/10

Evaluation Criteria Pass/Fail Additional Information
Accessibility Documentation:

  1. The organization providing materials has a formal accessibility policy.
  2. The organization providing materials has an accessibility statement.
Pass Accessibility statement is present in the front matter.
Content Organization:

  1. Chapter titles and section headers should be marked as headers and distinct from body text.
  2. Table of contents should be present and allow navigation.
  3. Page numbers should be present and correspond with print numbers.
  4. Content should remain organized after user ‘reflows’ page.
Pass Chapter titles and section headers are marked distinctly from the body text. All content remains organized after page reflows.

  1. Non-decorative images should be marked with alternative text.
  2. Images should be compatible with screen reader and magnification software.
  3. Decorative images should be marked with null alternative text.
Pass All images have alt text and and decorative images have been left null. Some images are small with low resolution. The image quality of these photos could be improved.

  1. Tables should be simple and compatible with screen readers and magnification software.
  2. Tables should be single celled and contain ordered lists.
  3. Tables should include markup that identify their rows and columns.
Pass All tables in this text have table lines and are compatible with a screen reader.

  1. In-book links should function and connect to their correct location in the text.
  2. Hyperlinks should connect to a working webpage. Hyperlinks should preferably open pages in the same window.
  3. All links should be distinct from body text. They should be descriptively titled and a different color or italicized.
Pass 95% of the links in this text function correctly and navigate to the correct webpage. There are a few instances in this text where hyperlinks do not use descriptive text.

  1. Closed captions should be provided for any video content.
  2. Descriptive transcripts should be provided for any video content.
  3. Audio or video player used for multimedia content should be compatible with assistive technology.
  4. No content should flash more than 3 times per second.
Pass There is no multimedia content in this text.
STEM Content

  1. STEM formulas and equation should be created with an editor compatible with screen readers such as LaTex or MathML.
  2. If equations are inserted as images they should be described in an alt tag.
Pass There is no STEM content in this text.

  1. Font should be adjustable and compatible with screen readers, magnification software, and colored displays. Text must remain accessible when any font size is selected.
  2. All font should have zoom capabilities to 200%.
  3. Font should meet standard size requirements (12 pt. body, 9 pt. footnote).
  4. Alternative color and line spacing adjustments should be available.
Pass All font is accessible and compatible with a screen reader. Font size meets the standard requirements.
Color Contrast:

  1. All information presented in color should also be conveyed in text or other images.
  2. Headers should meet WCAG AA contrast standards.
  3. Body text should meet WCAG AA contrast standards.
  4. Simple images should meet WCAG AA contrast standards.
Pass Information in this text is not presented in a different color. All colors meet WCGA AA contrast standards.
Interactive Elements:

  1. Interactive elements such as menus, examples, practice questions, etc., allow keyboard only operation with and without assistive technology.
  2. All instructions, error messages, and prompts are in text and compatible with assistive technology.
  3. Text should allow for keyboard only operation.
  4. Text should be accessible on mobile devices.
Pass There are no interactive elements in this text.


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