Current and Emerging Trends in the Management of International Disasters Copyright © 2024 by Annette Chretien, PhD; Brenda Murphy, PhD; Bryce Gunson, PhD(c); Christine Raj, BA; Christopher J Ainsworth MBA CEM®; Christopher Sheach, MA DEM, CEM®; Cihan Aydiner, Ph.D.; Danielle J. Mayberry, JD; David A. McEntire, PhD, SFHEA; Dulce Suarez, Ph.D.; Glenn Jones ESM CEM®; Hsin-Hsuan “Shel” Lin, SJD; Iuliia Hoban , Ph.D.; Jack L. Rozdilsky, Ph.D.; Jeffrey Glick, PhD; Jennifer Russell, MSN, RN, IBCLC, NHDP-BC, CHEP; Josh Ayers; Joshua D. McDuffie, M.S., E.I.; Kazi Amdadul Hoque, MA, MPH, MSS; Kelbie R. Kennedy, JD; Kent Cawley, DBA; Kesley J. Richardson, DPA, MPH, CEM®; Laura J. Brown, PhD; Laura M. Phipps, DrPH, MPH, CPH, RS; Logan Gerber-Chavez, Ph.D.; Lorraine Schneider, MSc, CEM®; Marc Anthonisen, MPA; Marcelo M. Ferreira, PhD, CEM®; Michael Prasad, MA, CEM®; Mikey Latner; Muhammad Awfa Islam; Oenone Chadburn, MA (Econ); Ozzie Baron; Patrick S. Roberts, PhD; Ray Hsienho Chang, Ph.D.; Rebecca Morgenstern Brenner, MPA; Rita V. Burke, PhD, MPH; Romeo B. Lavarias, DPA; Shirley Feldmann-Jensen, DPPD, MPH, RN, PHN; Tanya Buhler Corbin, Ph.D.; Terry D. Cooper, DHSc, MS, MPH, CEM®; Terrence O’Sullivan, PhD, MAAS; Yi-En “Mike” Tso, PhD.; Yungnane Yang, PhD; and Zawad Ibn Farid is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.