Image Credits

Chapter 1:  Introduction

“Inputs, outputs, outcomes, and impacts of transportation” by Tia Boyd, adapted from David Levinson et al. licensed under Creative Commons: CC BY-SA 4.0

“Traditional four-step transportation/land use model” image design by Tia Boyd.

“The transportation planning process” by FHWA in the public domain.

“Land use organization, network connectivity, and arterial traffic” by Kristine Williams in the public domain.

“The vicious cycle of automobile dependency” by Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative licensed under Creative Commons: CC BY-SA 4.0

Chapter 2:  Contemporary Issues in Transportation

“The relationship between urban and transportation planning, environment, and health” by Mark J.Nieuwenhuijsen licensed under Creative Commons: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

“Pedestrian survival rates by vehicular speed” by U.S. Department of Transportation in the public domain.

“Equality, equity, and justice” by M. Valentijn licensed under Creative Commons: CC BY-NC-SA 2.0

“Transportation energy sources in 2020” by U.S. Energy Information Administration in the public domain.

“Levels of automation” by NHTSA in the public domain.

“Conceptual framework for shared mobility integration with regional multimodal planning processes”  by Arielle Fleisher in the public domain.

“Communication network for intelligent public transportation” by Xing-Gang Luo in the public domain.



Chapter 4: Travel and the Built Environment

“Euclidean and Manhattan distances” by Borut Zgonc licensed under Creative Commons: CC BY 4.0

Chapter 5 Planning Roadway Networks

“Example of roadway right-of-way with multimodal elements” by the author, Tia Boyd.

“Green transportation hierarchy” by Wikimedia Commons licensed under Creative Commons: CC0 1.0

“Rural-urban transect” Duany Plater-Zyberk & Company in the public domain.

“Effect of access management on exposure to conflicts” by Oregon Transportation and Growth Management Program, reproduced with permission.

“Example right-of-way function designations in the City of Seattle for planning purposes” by the City of Seattle, reproduced with permission.

Chapter 6:  Walking and Cycling


Chapter 7: Public Transportation 


Chapter 8 Evaluating System Performance

“Level of service by mode” adapted from Brad Strader, reproduced with permission. All associated images were sourced from Upsplash and are free to use under the Upsplash License. 

“I-95 Corridor Mobility Planning Project goals and objectives” by Florida Department of Transportation District 4 in the public domain.



Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License

Multimodal Transportation Planning Copyright © 2024 by Peng Chen; Tia Boyd; and Kristine Williams is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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