Book Title: Introduction to Archaeology: A Workbook

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Book Description: Introduction to Archaeology: A Workbook, is designed to assist professors, instructors, and students in introductory level archaeology courses by providing questions and assignments to reinforce what is learned and discussed in classroom lectures and through other materials.
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Book Description
Introduction to Archaeology: A Workbook, is designed to assist professors, instructors, and students in introductory level archaeology courses. This workbook provides students with review materials and additional aspects to consider, to reinforce what is learned in the classroom lectures and through other materials. The workbook is organized by topics and chapters include questions, activities, and materials that reflect on archaeology and introduce students to this exciting and important field of discovery!
Introduction to Archaeology: A Workbook Copyright © 2020 by Ashley Lemke is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.