
6 First Short Paper

Topic: In class we have discussed “Archaeology in the News”. For your first short paper you will draw on what you have learned in class and the news stories we have discussed. Be sure to address the following points in your paper:

(1) What types of archaeological stories or projects are most likely to be reported by the news media? What aspects of archaeological stories do media outlets emphasize in order to satisfy and attract readers?

(2) Summarize (in your own words) the news stories and video of the Franklin shipwreck and at least one other story you heard about in class. Be sure to describe the story and include details.

(3) Archaeological discoveries can raise controversies – particularly with respect to ownership of objects, territory, or culturally-specific views of the past. Discuss this issue with respect to the Franklin shipwreck. Explain why the ownership of this site is controversial. You may also write about a controversial issue raised in another news story but this must be in addition to the Franklin.

(4) Did these stories or stories give you a better understanding of what archaeology is and what archaeologists do? How specifically? Or if it did not give you a better understanding of archaeology/archaeologists, explain why.

(5) Do you think it’s a good thing for archaeology to be in the news? Why or why not? E.g. Does it help inform the public about “real” archaeology? Is it portrayed accurately? Does it connect archaeology to real world/relevant issues?

(6) Finally, think back to the first day of class and what you thought archaeology was or what, if anything, you knew about archaeology. Have your ideas changed? Stayed the same? How did “Archaeology in the News” influence your ideas?


 Format Guidelines:                                      

      • Name
      • Paper must be 3-5 pages, double spaced
      • Pages must be numbered
      • Correct spelling and grammar

Organization                                                                                                                                 ____ / 5

Is there a clear beginning, middle, and end to the paper?

Content                                                                                                                                            ____ / 5

Are there  specific examples in the paper? Are they accurate?

Formatting                                                                                                                                     ____ / 5

Are all of the above format guidelines meet?

Mastery of the Course Materials                                                                                          ____ / 5

Does this paper demonstrate a clear understanding of the course materials and major themes?

Total Score                                                                                                                                      ____ / 20

Percentage                                                                                                       Total Score/2 =   ____ / 10

Letter Grade   

Points Percentage (Points/2) Equivalent Score Letter Grade
20 10 100% A+
19 9.5 95% A
18 9 90% A-
17 8.5 85% B+
16 8 80% B
15 7.5 75% C+
14 7 70% C
13 6.5 65% D+
12 6 60% D
11 & less 5.5 & less 55% & less F