
12 Zooarchaeology and Bioarchaeology Lab

Station 1: Modified Bones

A: Look at the cutmarks identified on bones. Now look at the bones. Do you see any cutmarks? How many? If so, describe their shape and size. What do cutmarks tell archaeologists?


B: These bones are burned. What is that evidence of? Why might these types of bone fragments be important?


Station 2: Beyond Food

Animal bones are very common in archaeological sites but they aren’t always the remains of a meal. Look at these objects (all made of bone or horn) – what are they?


What are other ways animal bones wind up in archaeological sites?


Station 3: Bison: Archaeological Specimens and Comparative Collection

What parts of a bison do you have in your archaeological collection?


What are some differences you see in the same bones between the comparative collection and archaeological specimens?



Station 4: Bioarchaeology & Diet

Look at the mandible from a Neanderthal child (Teshik-Tash, Uzbekistan). Could archaeologists use this specimen to investigate Neanderthal diets? How?


What other methods do archaeologists use to study ancient diet?