Book Title: Strategies for Success in Nursing School: From Start to Finish

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Book Description: This textbook was created for nursing intended students to provide a single resource for the most fundamental tools for success. The chapters and activities provide keys for success both inside and outside of the classroom, starting with time management and moving through study and test taking strategies. Self-care is a focus to help students identify how to care for their best self, which will carry on through the nursing profession to avoid burn out. Using the library is foundational for students to be successful with their coursework and evidence based practice in the future. Finally, there is a section on career planning to help guide a student into critical steps to start their journey to becoming a nurse.
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Strategies for Success in Nursing School: From Start to Finish Copyright © 2021 by Leslie Jennings, RN; RaeAnna Jeffers; Laura Haygood; and Craig Keaton is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.