
Exercise 3


Part of being a good team member is learning how to understand your personal strengths (what you have to offer) AND where you might need to draw assistance from others.


Look at the team roles and the brief description in Understanding Yourself as a Team Member. Ask students to describe what type of role appeals most to them.  What role would they like to fulfill but maybe don’t feel equipped right now? Ask students to rate their level of confidence in each role (HONESTLY) – and then encourage them to devise a plan for how they can improve some of the areas they think might need a “jump start.”

Evaluate Their Answers

Did they have mostly “disagree” checked off?

If so, they are still developing their confidence as a team player. These skills often take some time to develop; it might be helpful for them to reach out to someone they know and trust to help them focus on developing a plan for working on some of the skills in which they would like to be more confident. Highlight resources at the university that can be of help. Encourage them to not be afraid to ask for help, because asking for help when you need it is another great skill of a productive team player.

Did they have mostly “agree” checked off?

If so, they are pretty confident in your teamwork skills – but could probably use a little extra support or development in a few areas. Encourage them to invite someone close to them (someone they know and trust), to work with them on the areas they would like to improve. Let them know that most people would be really happy to help, and that there are many resources at the university. Let them know that learning the strategies to become a good team member takes time, energy, and dedication.

Did they have mostly “strongly agree” checked off?

If so, they are truly confident in their ability to be a good team player. That’s great! Encourage them to figure out an area or two where they would like to continue to see improvement (since we should always be striving to be the best we can be) and develop a plan for how to further grow those skills. Encourage them to offer support to someone you know who might be struggling with building his or her own level of teamwork confidence.


How did the results of the survey fit with your perception of your preferred role?

Now consider your teamwork skills confidence levels:

  • I am most proud of my ability to…
  • I want to improve my ability to…
  • I will reach out to some of these people for guidance…


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Teamwork: An Open Access Practical Guide - Instructor Companion Copyright © 2020 by Andrew M. Clark and Justin T. Dellinger is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.