Advice for undergraduates:

  • It is never too late to obtain your degree.
  • Choose a varied selection of classes.
  • Taking a course unfamiliar to you could potentially be quite rewarding.
  • Consider attending an educational or scholarly conference for historians, or your chosen major.
  • Pursue your degree, history or otherwise, based on your passions, rather than monetary reasons.
  • Resources such as H-Net,, are very useful for history students and professional historians.

Advice for graduate school:

  • If applying, allow ample time for your professors to consider your request for a letter of recommendation.
  • Be prepared for significantly more amount of work in graduate level classes.
  • Focus on writing, and the methods of a historian, rather than just facts and dates.
  • Choose a school that fits your educational goals and preferred study topics.
  • Consider attending different institutions to obtain your advanced degrees.