
Glossary of Terms

Advanced Placement credit (AP credit)

Credit by examination for advanced coursework in high school that counts for college credit.

Academic Advisor

A professional staff person or faculty member who assists students in planning an academic program of study.

Academic Calendar

Official academic calendar of the University that lists registration dates, official holidays, important deadlines, final examinations, and commencement ceremony dates for a given session. Web site: uta.edu/academics/academic-calendar

Academic Continuance

Academic Standing message after a student has received an Academic Warning that signals that a student has met the minimum requirement of earning a 2.5 semester GPA but is still not within the Table of Standards. Refer to the Undergraduate Catalog under Academic Regulations for more information.

Academic Dismissal: One Long Term

Also referred to as Dismissal One or DIS1. Academic Standing message that signals that a student is not within the Table of Standards and not allowed to enroll for one long academic term (Fall or Spring term). Refer to the Undergraduate Catalog under Academic Regulations for more information.

Academic Dismissal: One Full Academic Year

Also referred to as Dismissal Two or DIS2. Academic Standing message that signals that a student is not within the Table of Standards and not allowed to enroll for one full calendar year (entire Fall, Spring, and Summer term). Refer to the Undergraduate Catalog under Academic Regulations for more information.

Academic Probation

Academic standing message that signals that a student has less than a 2.0 cumulative grade point average but is within the Table of Standards for the current student classification. Academic Probation reflects a level of academic standing that should not be confused with Academic Warning or Dismissal. Refer to the Undergraduate Catalog under Academic Regulations for more information.

Academic Standing

A message that is placed on student’s transcript after grades post at the end of a term that indicates his or her overall academic performance at the University. Refer to the Undergraduate Catalog under Academic Regulations for more information.

Academic Warning

Academic Standing message that signals that a student has not earned a grade point average that is within the Table of Standards. Refer to the Undergraduate Catalog under Academic Regulations for more information.


The addition of a course to a student’s schedule for a given session.

Advising hold

Standard Negative Service Indicator in MyMav that prevents enrollment in courses until students meet with an Academic Advisor from their major department to remove (or “clear”) the hold when students have met their advising expectations.

Alum, Alumnus/a (Alumni, plural)

A graduate or former student of UT Arlington.


Upon instructor and University permission, individuals can hear and observe a class for no academic credit. Refer to the Undergraduate Catalog under Registration and Enrollment for more information.


Abbreviation for Bachelor of Arts degree.


Abbreviation for Bachelor of Science degree.

Bachelor’s degree

Degree earned after completion of the required credit hours and courses within a particular field of study in addition to general requirement courses (i.e., core curriculum and electives).


The name of the UT Arlington mascot.

Blue Books

A standard examination booklet used for essay exams. Available at the UT Arlington Bookstore and the Market in the University Center.


The day at which class rolls are frozen, and students can no longer drop a class without receiving a grade of “W” on their transcript. State funding to the institution is based on the enrollment of students on census. Officially indicated in the Academic Calendar for the university.


Copying another’s test or assignment; communication with another during an exam or assignment; seeking aid from others when not permitted by the instructor; possession of unauthorized materials during a test; buying, using, stealing, transporting, soliciting a test, draft of a test, or answer key.


Level of a student in their undergraduate career based on the number of semester hours earned. Freshman < 30 hours, Sophomore 30–59 hours, Junior 60–89 hours, and Senior 90 or greater.


A standardized test which grants credit by examination to a student record.


Presentations and discussions about current research conducted and related findings.


Without authorization, collaborating with another when preparing an assignment.


Graduation ceremonies held at the end of the Fall, Spring, and Summer terms. Officially indicated in the Academic Calendar for the university.


Students who do not reside in campus residence halls, apartments, or houses.

Concurrent Enrollment

Enrolled at UT Arlington and another institution of higher education at the same time.

Cooperative Education Programs (Co-op’s)

Programs that alternate periods of formal study at the university and periods of work under the supervision of a UT Arlington faculty member and work supervisor.

Core Curriculum

University and State mandated courses to ensure that students obtain a well-rounded education from English Composition, Literature, Liberal Arts/Humanities, U.S. History, U.S. Political Science, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Social/Cultural Studies, Fine Arts, and oral and computer proficiency. Refer to the Undergraduate Catalog under the Degree Program Requirements section for more specific information.

Course Number

Courses at UT Arlington are designated with a standard prefix and number (e.g., ENGL 1301). ENGL is a course prefix and tells a student which department offers the course or names a cluster of courses. The standard list of UT Arlington prefixes can be found in the Undergraduate Catalog under Course Abbreviations. The course number denotes the level of the course, number of credit hours, and distinguishing number in a department. Refer to the Undergraduate Catalog under the Undergraduate Admissions section for more specific information.

Credit by Exam

Academic course credit given to students based on performance on national standardized tests (e.g., AP, CLEP, IB, DANTES) or Advanced Standing Exams offered by some departments. Refer to the Undergraduate Catalog under the Undergraduate Admissions section for more specific information.

Cumulative Grade Point Average

Overall grade point average for all classes taken at UT Arlington; see semester grade point average as well.

Dental Admissions Test (DAT)

A standardized test that helps dental schools assess the qualifications of a candidate applying for dental school.

Dead Week

Actually called Final Review Week at UT Arlington. Five class days prior to final examinations during the long sessions that allow students to prepare for finals. Refer to the Undergraduate Catalog for more specific information.


Leading academic official of a school or college. Considered a member of the faculty as well.

Disciplinary Probation

A sanction given to students by the Office of Community Standards for offenses against the Code of Student Conduct.

Doctoral degree

Highest degree obtained in academics. Abbreviated Ph.D. A person with a Ph.D. is referred to as “Dr. So-and-so.”


The deletion of a course to a student’s schedule for a given session.

Drop for Non-Pay

A deadline prior to the beginning of a session in which students are dropped from their enrolled coursework if payment or arrangements for payment have not been made.


A course that student can choose freely from all departments on campus in a degree plan that counts toward the required hours to graduate with a Bachelor’s degree. Should not be confused with a Major Elective that is a specified list of courses that a student can choose from in the major.


A permanent suspension from the university.


The body of individuals that teach courses at an institution. Comprised of Professors, Associate and Assistant Professors, Lecturers, and Instructors including tenure-track and non-tenure track (sometimes also called adjunct faculty) faculty.


Abbreviation for Free Application for Federal Student Aid. Form that must be completed prior to receiving federal and state financial aid.


Abbreviation for the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. Policy that governs what student information can be shared with the public, including parents, spouses, siblings, etc. Refer to the Undergraduate Catalog under Academic Regulations for more information.


Abbreviation for Final Examinations. Examinations given to students at the end of a session. Official final exam schedule can be found at the Office of the Registrar Web site, uta.edu/administration/registrar/calendars/final-exams. Officially indicated in the Academic Calendar for the University.

Financial Aid

Any loan, work-study employment, grant, or scholarships offered to help a student meet the cost of attaining an education and related expenses.


Organizations of men who seek to develop social, leadership, and service opportunities on and off campus to enhance their educational experience and contribute to their personal development.

Full-time Student

A student who enrolls in a long semester (Fall or Spring) for 12 or more semester credit hours. Refer to the Undergraduate Catalog under Undergraduate Admissions for information on full-time status in short sessions.

Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs)

Graduate students hired to teach courses or assist a professor teaching a course.

Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT)

A standardized test that helps business schools assess the qualifications of applicants for advanced study in business and management.

Good Standing

Academic Standing designation for students with a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher.

Grade Point Average (GPA)

A four-point grading system, used to measure academic performance (4.0 = A, 3.0 = B, 2.0 = C, 1.0 = D, and 0.0 = F).

Graduate Record Exam (GRE)

A standardized test used by graduate level programs across the nation used to assess the qualifications of applicants for advanced study in higher education.


A form of financial aid that does not require the student to pay the money back upon graduation or leaving school.

Greek Life

Community comprised of four governing bodies that represents 25 fraternities and sororities on campus.


Student employment website with internships and on and off campus job opportunities.


Verbal or non-verbal conduct which creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working or educational environment.


Any action or situation that recklessly or intentionally endangers the mental or physical health of a student for the purpose of initiation or admission into an organization. Hazing is illegal in the State of Texas. Refer to the Undergraduate Catalog under the Student Involvement and Policies section for more specific information.

Independent Study

Course credit earned by students who work one-on-one with a faculty member completing research and projects on an area of interest to the student and faculty member.


Experiential learning opportunity in which students can receive college credit for work conducted in the workforce under the supervision of a UT Arlington faculty member and Work Supervisor.

Intramural Sports

Campus-sponsored recreational and competitive activities for men, women, and co-recreational teams.


Experiential class time often used to apply information and processes presented in lecture.

Last Drop Day

A deadline during a given session in which students can drop a course with the assistance of an academic advisor in their major department. Officially indicated in the Academic Calendar for the University.

Late Registration

Period at the beginning of each session for students who were unable to register during the regular registration period. Students often use this time period to add/drop/swap courses. Officially indicated in the Academic Calendar for the University.

Latin Honors

Honorable designation at graduation for students earning exemplary GPAs in a certain number of credit hours. Refer to the Undergraduate Catalog under the Graduation section for more specific information.


Oral presentation of critical information, history, background, theories, or processes by a faculty member.


A field of study (i.e., body of coursework) determined by the faculty of a given area of study or department.

Major Course

A course that is required in order to earn a Bachelor’s degree in that major.

Major Elective

A course that is offered in the major that a student can freely choose.

Master’s Degree

An advanced degree obtained in academics. Abbreviated M.A.(Masters of Arts), M.S. (Masters of Science), M.B.A. (Masters of Business Administration), etc.

Math Placement Test (MPT)

Placement test given to incoming students to determine their readiness to complete certain levels of the UT Arlington math curriculum. Not to be confused with the GMAT or Miller Analogies Test.

Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT)

A standardized test that helps medical schools assess the qualifications of a candidate applying for medical professional school.

MavID Card

Photo identification issued to enrolled UT Arlington students. Used to access certain campus services as well as off-campus discount program.


Term used to refer to UT Arlington students.

Maverick Stampede

Events series to welcome students to campus at the beginning of the Fall term.


UT Arlington e-mail account issued to all students, faculty, and staff and source of official communication from the university.


A field of study (i.e., body of coursework) determined by the faculty of a given area of study or department that requires less credit hours to complete in comparison to a major.


Term used to refer to the campus student information system that students use to enroll in courses, check their grades, accept their financial aid, pay their tuition, etc.

Non-Degree-Seeking Students

A student who holds a Bachelor’s degree from another accredited institution but is admitted to continue to take leveling coursework.


A course schedule that includes more than 18 semester credit hours.

Parking Permit

Online statement that allows for legal campus parking based on designation (student, faculty-staff, residential student, etc.).

Part-time Student

A student who enrolls in less than 12 semester credit hours in a given session.

Peer Academic Leaders (PALs)

Students assigned to the Student Success Course to assist new students in their transition to college life.


Abbreviation for Doctoral degree; persons having earned a Ph.D. should be referred to as “Dr. X.”


Using someone else’s work in your assignment without appropriate acknowledgement or making slight variations in the language and then failing to give credit to the source. An offense that constitutes the “stealing” of someone else’s work or ideas.


Courses that need to be taken before a student can be successful in a subsequent class or accepted into a degree program.


The Chief Administrator of UT Arlington.


Chief Academic Officer of the University who serves as a leader to the Deans and faculty on campus as well as academic support programs and student affairs at UT Arlington.


Abbreviation in the Schedule of Classes for Thursday.


Maintains student records related to the process of admission to the university and enrollment in courses.


Period in which students can enroll in courses via the MyMav student information system. Officially indicated in the Academic Calendar for the university.

Resident Assistant (RA)

Student leader on campus that lives in the residence halls on campus and supports students within that living arrangement.


The opportunity to check out and join a fraternity or sorority.


Abbreviation for Satisfactory Academic Progress. Students receiving financial aid awards must complete a minimum number of hours based on classification. Refer to the Undergraduate Catalog under Academic Regulations for more information.


A form used mainly for multiple choice exams in which students must fill in the circle of their answer. Can be purchased at the UT Arlington Bookstore or Market in the University Center.

Schedule of Classes

List of courses available for a particular session via the MyMav portal.


Funding offered to students to pay for educational expenses based on academic achievement or certain characteristics of the student.

Semester Credit Hours

Number of credit hours a student earns for taking a particular course. Often reflects the number of class hours a student will sit in each week for that class with the exception of classes with laboratory credit.

Semester Grade Point Average

Grade point average for only courses taken during a given session.


Course taught by a faculty member on a special topic typically with a small class size to promote student-faculty discussion.

Service Indicator

A flag on a student record in MyMav that can provide information or block certain actions from occurring. Positive service indicators are marked by a “star” in MyMav, while negative service indicators are marked by a circle with a diagonal line through it. Negative Service indicators are often referred to as “holds.”

Service Learning

Volunteer activity in which students earn assignment or course credit for reflecting or applying their experience to academic course content under the supervision of a UT Arlington faculty member.


Period of time when academic coursework is offered and completed. There are seven distinct sessions that comprise the Fall, Spring, and Summer terms. Dynamic Dated Sessions are associated with all three terms.

Student Loans

Funding offered to students to pay for educational expenses based on the FASFA and available funding provided to the institution. Requires that the students repay the principal amount and interest.

The Shorthorn

Student-published newspaper at UT Arlington. Available in print and online.


Organizations of women who seek to develop social, leadership, and service opportunities on and off campus to enhance their educational experience and contribute to their personal development.


University professionals who typically have a 12-month appointment and serve to support students or the normal functions necessary to maintain the university.

Student Accounts

Office on campus that is the point of payment and billing for tuition, fees, and charges. Also referred to as Student Financial Services.

Student Fees

Funding that students pay to the university that pays for the additional support services and programs that aid in their social, academic, and personal success.

Student ID

A ten-digit identification number issued to students that typically begins with 1000. Also can be referred to as the EmplID in MyMav or by the layperson as the “1000 number.”

Student Money Management Center

Assists students with their financial needs. Provides a website full of resources, one-on-one counseling sessions, seminars and presentations. Educates students on budgeting, savings, and credit awareness. uta.edu/business-affairs/smmc/


A specialization of course work in a major.


Sanction given by the Office of Community Standards for students performing offenses against the Student Code of Conduct. Term often used interchangeably with Academic Dismissal.


The ability to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. The practice of maintaining life and society through technologies, policies, and personal choices that help us use our planet’s limited resources more effectively.


The changing of sections of a course to a student’s schedule for a given session.


A document provided by faculty members to students which articulates the requirements for completing the course and grading and other policies and procedures related to the course.

Table of Standards

Level of performance required of undergraduate students based on their GPA and hours attempted in order to continue enrollment at the University. Refer to the Undergraduate Catalog under the Academic Regulations section for more specific information.


A combination of sessions that make up the Fall, Spring, and Summer terms (i.e., Summer Intersession, 11-week session, 5-week I, and 5-week II sessions equal the Summer term).

Texas Success Initiative (TSI)

State-mandated program to ensure that entering college students have the necessary skills to perform effectively in college coursework. Students must seek assessment before enrolling in college coursework and advisement into proper developmental coursework.

TSI Assessment

A standardized test that measures reading, writing, and math skills to determine if a student has the appropriate skill levels to complete college-level coursework.

The Trailblazer

A weekly student newsletter published and distributed via the UT Arlington student e-mail account.

Transfer Students

Students who enter UT Arlington and have already attempted more than 24 hours of coursework at another higher education institution.


Abbreviation for the E.H. Hereford University Center.

Undergraduate Catalog

Publication that provides all of the rules and regulations regarding earning a bachelor’s degree at UT Arlington given a particular date of entry to the University. The official Undergraduate Catalog is online at catalog.uta.edu/.

Division of Student Success

An administrative unit to serve new incoming students in their transition to the University.


Dropping one or more classes in a given session. Designated on a transcript as a grade of “W.”


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